Dog Co. 1/16th 1st Infantry Division WWII Reenactors

Membership Requirements and Standards
Contact Us
Uniforms and Equipment
Unit Roster
Event Pictures
After Action Reports
Awards and Citations

Below are the membership requirements for Easy Company

Join us! Contact Corporal Mike Kilian for more information.


Membership in Easy Company is open to men age 18+ (The average age of the unit is around 27). Women are encouraged to take part in the various unit activities, but are not allowed on the field as soldiers. There are many options for women who wish to join our organization.
Members of Easy Company are expected to be in good general health.
Unit Standards:
These standards are meant as a framework, not to stifle an individual. As we are portraying a unit in the U.S. Army, members must conform to a certain standard. This is especially important as the veterans we portray are still alive in many cases, and we seek to honor them, not to embarass them.
  • Beards are not to be worn by members of Easy Company. Facial hair is limited to mustaches trimmed to above the lip. Soul patches, goatees, handlebars are not allowed.
  • Soldiers will report at events with a clean shave. Shaving is optional during events.
  • Hair will be neatly trimmed. No outlandish styles/colors are allowed. Sideburns will not extend below the middle of the ear.
  • Eyeglasses should be of period type. Contact Lenses are also encouraged. Modern eyeglasses must not be worn.


  • Rations should be of period type, either canned, K-rations, or plainly pachaged. MRE's and other modern foods will not be eaten at events. Also, no modern foods, such as pizza will be eaten at events. All soldiers are expected to eat with the unit during events.

Modern items:

  • Watches must be of period style. Modern watches will not be worn
  • Cell Phones and Pagers are not allowed except in dire emergencies
  • Storage containers will not be kept in the company area. All modern containers should be kept in vehicles during the event. Modern Coolers are also not allowed.