Dog Co. 1/16th 1st Infantry Division WWII Reenactors

Cpl. Heath Marchand

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Corporal Heath Marchand

Date of Birth: June 2, 1925
Hometown: Franconia Notch, New Hampshire
Marital Status: Single
Family Notes:  Second generation family in Franconia Notch.  Brother serving in the Pacific.  Father joined the army during the Great Depression.  Mother works in the local grocery store to help support the family.
Other notes: "My friend Ben and I were hunting. When  we returned that morning December 7th, 1941 we found out we had been attacked. I knew my mother wouldn't let me enlist so I left in the middle of the night to enlist. Went through basic as a 16 year old."

Post war plans: To go to college and get a good paying job, then start a family and move to the Adirondack Mountains.
Pre-war Occupation:  Work on a dairy farm outside of town 
Highest grade completed: Graduated 12th grade in June 1941

Date of enlistment:  December 28, 1941 
Promoted to Corporal:  June 4, 1944
- ETO Ribbon