To the men of Dog Company,
Subject: Award of the Good Conduct Medal to Sgt Mullen, T5 Kilian, Cpl Bialecki,
PFC Knighton, and PFC Michalski.
For meritorious service in the United States Army, D Co. 16th Infantry Regiment, 1st Infantry Division. These
Good Conduct Medals are awarded to you for your excellent conduct on becomming a soldier in the US Army during these periods.
Periods of Service:
Sgt Mullen: 8 DEC 41 to 24 DEC 42 T5 Kilian: 11 DEC 43 to 16 Dec 44 (Revoked 1st Award, conduct on becomming
an NCO 29 JUL 42 to 17 AUG 43) Cpl Bialecki: 6 JAN 42 to 23 JAN 43 PFC Knighton: 18 DEC 41 to 26 DEC 43 PFC Michalski:
28 DEC 41 to 5 JAN 43
For honorable and faithful service in the ETO, the following European-African-Middle Eastern Medals are awarded to:
Sgt Mullen T5 Kilian CPL Bialecki PFC Kinghton PFC Michalski PVT Marchand, H.
of Service:
SGT Mullen: 8 Nov 42 - TBD T5 Kilian: 8 Nov 42 - TBD CPL Rory Bialecki: 8 NOV 42 - TBD PFC Kinghton:
8 NOV 42 - TBD PFC Michalski: 8 NOV 42 - TBD